Ah... isn't it fun to try and listen to conference while kids are cranky and fighting with each other? Well, despite all of this I actually enjoyed listening to what I did get to hear. It is amazing that there were five more temples announced. The work of the Lord doesn't stop. I also had the great opportunity of having the spirit confirm to me today that President
Monson is indeed the chosen Prophet for our time.
In our economy the way it is today, the speakers powered me with a renewed sense of hope and faith that if we follow the plan the Lord has given us, then we will be taken care of. What I mean by taken care of is, that I know that whatever happens to us will be for the better good.
Anyway, all things considered, the kids did allow for us to listen to most of conference. Caleb and Hannah tried to play quietly. Jacob, didn't want to take a nap, but did alright. Alas, he is finally asleep. Thank you to Warren.